Dahlia 2012, we're planning to have a Dahlia outing this Friday (yes,this Friday, October 22). General plan is that we go to the newly opened Lazer Tag place near Pisay (Sentris) right after classes. We can watch a movie after or something.
This just popped up because Sir Da made an unexpected return to the Philippines, an so the farewell Dahlia outing that was moved to February can be done this week!
Sir Da may not be here for long so we need to make the most out of this.
Issue 1- Possible Expenses
2 Rounds Lazer Tag (>= P340)
Movie? (< P200)
Dinner? (Up to you)
Issue 2- Transpo
I can provide a car, but we'll obviously need at least one other vehicle. Also, you need to find a way to get back home. For dormer, this is a really big issue, and I'm not exactly aware of the dorm rules, so dormers, we need to sort this out.
Please confirm ask your parents and ask your parents and confirm attendance as soon possible.Thanks.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Sam Post

It's been a hell of a year, Dahlia, and our days as sophomores are numbered, since after enrollment, we'll technically be juniors, and not second years anymore. Having moved from the days where we were worried about kite flying, drafting, and the shape of the earth, we are about to move on from the days where we would seek Jaren's wisdom at the Jaren Gaz, sleep during Bio class, make Bobbi jokes, play the Dahlia board game, ask your adviser to moonwalk, drag Jeorge inside the CR, or do one of the other 94 things on the list.

Though Dahlia initially seemed like a class that was divided (take for example the seating arrangement where all the girls +Ludho, Vance, Jeorge, and Jeks were seated on one side and all the guys -Ludho, Vance, Jeorge, and Jeks were seated on the other side), Dahlia proved to be a class that was united, not only through the countless experiences we've had together (from watching 500 Days of Summer to the great "homeroom" classes we've had, to Red's dramatic entrance for Paskorus to manning the Dress Me Up Booth during the Pisay Fair to the Middle East summit to the epic outing at Gaby's resort) but also because of an adviser who was more than just an adviser.

What we thought would be the most dreaded and stressful years in Pisay turned out pretty well thanks to the great moments we've had as Dahlia. The point of all this is that though we are no longer gonna be sophomores in a few days time, we will still remain Dahlia 2012, a title we will never lose. Dahlia, from class number 1 (Andaya) to Class number 31 (Sicam) has been one of the most awesome classes ever, and as a fitting bonus, we will be the only class in Pisay history to have Sir Da recorded as our adviser.

That being said, we may be down to 29 by next school year. Sir Da is leaving for China, and Sam is leaving for the USA. Since Sir Da will only be leaving by the end of August, we would first like to leave this blog as a tribute to our dear classmate Sam, who we last saw at the Dahlia house hopping, which was beyond awesome. To make this possible, Levy had an idea of making an account called "Dahlia 2012" (whose email address happens to be "dahlia2012@gmail.com") that can contribute to the blogspot. The password of this account is "papajack". Thus, anyone from Dahlia can edit this very blog and add their own special message for Sam if they would like to. Levy asked me to start off, and said he'd be adding some pictures soon.

Sam, if you are reading this, I've never really gotten the chance to know you really well, but you've been a great classmate. I miss our class, and our class will surely miss you. Dahlia 2012 won't be the same without you. -Justin

To our very very special and one of a kind Sam Fadrigalan,
This new segment of this post has been created early morning of June 6. The next day is the start of the new school year and it is very sad to know you won't be part of it. We are glad to inform you though that your presence and Sam-ness will always be in our hearts and minds. It has been a pleasure being classmates with you for the whole 2 years you have been in Pisay as a Sapphire and as a Dahlia. In a span of 2 years, I guess I tried to get to know you more. I was hoping that in 2nd year it'll happen, but well... you became a dormer. :)) Not that it was bad or anything, but I was hoping you were still an extern so I could talk to you more. I've had 2 years of classmates memories with you. If ever you visit, tell the Sapphire group and we're going to fix up another red box session and maybe a separate one for Dahlia if they want one too. I hope that wherever you are, you won't forget us. You spent two High School years in one totally awesome school, batch and sections. ;)
-Thea was here. ;)
P.S. There'll probably be another message and longer, but mayber with Sapphire pics. :))
"Saaaam. I'm still waiting for you. 29 pa rin yung Sr :|."
Sam: Because I'm not good with goodbyes, because I don't like goodbyes, because I don't believe in goodbyes. Sorry this message took so long :)) But see you soon, Sam, because there are no goodbyes. Just see you soon's.
- Leona
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Enrollment Guide
Let me rant first...WHY IS CRYSTAL BOWERSOX THE RUNNER UP? Okay, I'm done!
Okay. Enrollment guide! It's on June 2nd. (Sorry Jaren, typo error)
Download everything in the Second-Third Year Part
Also download the ID PROCESSING DATA. It's important!
NOTE: The Scholarship Categorization Data is Optional. If you want to UPGRADE YOUR STIPEND, then download it. :D
Also, bring 1*1 ID Pictures (at least 5), X-ray data (do we need the picture?), P200 for Student Services Division fee...don't forget to fill up everything.
And yeah, go to school early. Magiging mahaba ang pila. :D
The most fun part at enrollment is the sectioning, but we have to wear complete uniform plus proper haircut, so bad trip. :D
(Who deleted the latest post in here? It's "The Sam Post". Somebody deleted it.)
Okay. Enrollment guide! It's on June 2nd. (Sorry Jaren, typo error)
1. All incoming students in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years are required to be in complete uniform during enrolment and orientation. Male students should be in proper haircut.
- 2. Download and fill out all the enrolment forms completely. Make sure all submissions are complete.
- 3. Students must bring their report card for enrolment. The Registrar’s Office will not release any UNCLAIMED report cards from June 1-3, 2010. Students may claim their report cards beginning June 4, 2010, after presentation of CLEARANCE FORM-A.
- 4. Non-compliance to the above shall construe non-enrolment.
- 5. First day of classes is on June 7, 2010. Assembly for the Flag Ceremony will promptly be at 7 AM.
Download everything in the Second-Third Year Part
Also download the ID PROCESSING DATA. It's important!
NOTE: The Scholarship Categorization Data is Optional. If you want to UPGRADE YOUR STIPEND, then download it. :D
Also, bring 1*1 ID Pictures (at least 5), X-ray data (do we need the picture?), P200 for Student Services Division fee...don't forget to fill up everything.
And yeah, go to school early. Magiging mahaba ang pila. :D
The most fun part at enrollment is the sectioning, but we have to wear complete uniform plus proper haircut, so bad trip. :D
(Who deleted the latest post in here? It's "The Sam Post". Somebody deleted it.)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
House Hopping Plan
So we have up to 13 people who can go.
Assuming all 13 go, the route would look something like this:
1) Sir Da (Paranaque)
2) Justin (Alabang)
3) Alyssa (Starbucks outside ATC)
4) Ludho (Espana Boulevard)
Quezon City I
5) Levy (Commonwealth)
6) Jeks (Sikatuna Village)
7) Gaby (Xavierville)
8) Jeorge (EDSA Shang)
9) Jia (Greenhills)
10) Kean (Marikina)
Quezon City II
11) Dalzy, Sam, and Vance (TRINOMA)
Sir Da will be at my house by 7:30 am, so try to have a rough estimate when we'd arrive at your house. When we do pass by your house, we either 1) Pick you up and be on our way or 2) Crash in your house for a while, depending on your hospitality. Consider bringing pocket money for Trinoma, we may be driving through as well. We will end up in Trinoma, so be sure you can be fetched there after our "big Dahlia feast".
"Since this may be my last set of flavortext for this blogspot, might as well get the most out of it by getting a few things off my chest. Robin Hood was okay, but not as epic as I expected it to be. Whiplash from Ironman 2 should have gotten more screen time. Why was Big Mike eliminated from AI? Protoss in StarCraft II look really awesome. When is Pisay DotA gonna be ready?The gelato in Alabang Town Center is awesome. Can't wait for Laser Tag to show up in ATC as well. Armbar! Why are people only interested in How I Met Your Mother now? That show has been running for quite a while (and it still is legendary). The flail may be the dumbest medieval weapon ever made (see HIMYM season 4 episode 4). Did Jamby Madrigal seriously think she had a chance to win the elections? Schoolyear with Dahlia was one of my best. Why is my favorite Starbucks frap not on the menu? Why have I only seen this now? (typing lol limewire at Google and clicking the "I'm feeling lucky" button) Manchester United is still awesome. Pusoydos is awesome. The word awesome is awesome. Good luck to the outing."
Assuming all 13 go, the route would look something like this:
1) Sir Da (Paranaque)
2) Justin (Alabang)
3) Alyssa (Starbucks outside ATC)
4) Ludho (Espana Boulevard)
Quezon City I
5) Levy (Commonwealth)
6) Jeks (Sikatuna Village)
7) Gaby (Xavierville)
8) Jeorge (EDSA Shang)
9) Jia (Greenhills)
10) Kean (Marikina)
Quezon City II
11) Dalzy, Sam, and Vance (TRINOMA)
Sir Da will be at my house by 7:30 am, so try to have a rough estimate when we'd arrive at your house. When we do pass by your house, we either 1) Pick you up and be on our way or 2) Crash in your house for a while, depending on your hospitality. Consider bringing pocket money for Trinoma, we may be driving through as well. We will end up in Trinoma, so be sure you can be fetched there after our "big Dahlia feast".
"Since this may be my last set of flavortext for this blogspot, might as well get the most out of it by getting a few things off my chest. Robin Hood was okay, but not as epic as I expected it to be. Whiplash from Ironman 2 should have gotten more screen time. Why was Big Mike eliminated from AI? Protoss in StarCraft II look really awesome. When is Pisay DotA gonna be ready?The gelato in Alabang Town Center is awesome. Can't wait for Laser Tag to show up in ATC as well. Armbar! Why are people only interested in How I Met Your Mother now? That show has been running for quite a while (and it still is legendary). The flail may be the dumbest medieval weapon ever made (see HIMYM season 4 episode 4). Did Jamby Madrigal seriously think she had a chance to win the elections? Schoolyear with Dahlia was one of my best. Why is my favorite Starbucks frap not on the menu? Why have I only seen this now? (typing lol limewire at Google and clicking the "I'm feeling lucky" button) Manchester United is still awesome. Pusoydos is awesome. The word awesome is awesome. Good luck to the outing."
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Because of lack of planning and stuff, the House hopping thing has been moved to May 19, 2010, which happens to be a Wednesday.
Basic plan for househopping is that we get Sir Da to drive around in a car while picking people up at their houses and eventually ending in the grand finale- Trinoma.
Unless we rent a minibus or something, we probably won't be able to fit 31 people in a car, so there may be a limit on how many people can come.
Since we got the planning messed up last time, we really need to know if you (yes, you!) are attending and where you live. (Knowledge of where you live does not imply "drive by shooting"- we just need to know where you live so we can pick you up.) Knowing where people live is also important because we'll need to set up an efficient route to pick people up. For example, if we go to Person A who lives in Quezon City first, then go to Person J who lives all the way back in Bulacan second, then go to Person X who lives in Makati third, that would be a disastrous route to take.
So basically, we need to know who can make it on May 19 for our awesome house hopping trip. We also need to figure out the route so we can estimate what time we'll be picking you up and what order we pass by the houses. Don't forget that
1) We're ending at Trinoma so you'll probably have to get fetched there at the end of the day
2) We seriously need your confirmation and address (IM Levy, Dalzy or me. You can also simplify things by leaving a comment on this very blog.)
3) Sir Da is driving! (If that's not enough reason to go to a Dahlia outing, I don't know what is)
"Legendary year."
Basic plan for househopping is that we get Sir Da to drive around in a car while picking people up at their houses and eventually ending in the grand finale- Trinoma.
Unless we rent a minibus or something, we probably won't be able to fit 31 people in a car, so there may be a limit on how many people can come.
Since we got the planning messed up last time, we really need to know if you (yes, you!) are attending and where you live. (Knowledge of where you live does not imply "drive by shooting"- we just need to know where you live so we can pick you up.) Knowing where people live is also important because we'll need to set up an efficient route to pick people up. For example, if we go to Person A who lives in Quezon City first, then go to Person J who lives all the way back in Bulacan second, then go to Person X who lives in Makati third, that would be a disastrous route to take.
So basically, we need to know who can make it on May 19 for our awesome house hopping trip. We also need to figure out the route so we can estimate what time we'll be picking you up and what order we pass by the houses. Don't forget that
1) We're ending at Trinoma so you'll probably have to get fetched there at the end of the day
2) We seriously need your confirmation and address (IM Levy, Dalzy or me. You can also simplify things by leaving a comment on this very blog.)
3) Sir Da is driving! (If that's not enough reason to go to a Dahlia outing, I don't know what is)
"Legendary year."
Friday, March 26, 2010
03/26/10 Stuff
Dahlia! If you're bored and have nothing better to do...
1) Dahlia Avatars and Stuff
From the board game. Also has those end of the year message things.
2) Dahlia Tribute
Made by Kerwin Utanes. Most pictures appear to be from Sir Da.
3) Dahlia Tower Defense
Planned earlier in the year (http://dahliabatch2012.multiply.com/journal/item/3), the Dahlia Tower Defense was only truly completed at the end of the year because of an unnerving amount of errors popping up. However, Kerwin Utanes has finally released his final take on the Dahlia Tower Defense, and is moving on to larger scale projects. The Tower Defense may be edited or expanded on. You will need WarCraft to run it.
"Epic year."
1) Dahlia Avatars and Stuff
From the board game. Also has those end of the year message things.
2) Dahlia Tribute
Made by Kerwin Utanes. Most pictures appear to be from Sir Da.
3) Dahlia Tower Defense
Planned earlier in the year (http://dahliabatch2012.multiply.com/journal/item/3), the Dahlia Tower Defense was only truly completed at the end of the year because of an unnerving amount of errors popping up. However, Kerwin Utanes has finally released his final take on the Dahlia Tower Defense, and is moving on to larger scale projects. The Tower Defense may be edited or expanded on. You will need WarCraft to run it.
"Epic year."
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hey guys! Potentially the last post for Dahlia 2012 :>
First up, the MEARF Encore will be held tomorrow March 9. That's after the Health Film showing at 10 if I'm not mistaken. The encore will be held in the 316 classroom but you have to bring your outfits. We tried to get the ASTB AVR, although it was already reserved. Please ask Ethel for clarifications :)
Next, the Class Outing. The Encore was originally scheduled for Thursday but we moved it so our outing could push through. But here's the plan. It'll be held in Cattleya Resort in Antipolo. You can check the website for information and for a virtual tour. The meeting place is in Phil Sci at 8:30 so we can leave by 9. We get there probably at 9:30 or 10:00. Then we'll leave at 5 pm and be back by 6 in Phil Sci. Now, details on this I will explain tomorrow after the Health film showing. So go to the film showing.
Thanks to all of you for a wonderful school year. :D
Enjoy your SUMMER!
P.S. CS project due on friday details on moodle :D New groupings by the way. Check it out.
First up, the MEARF Encore will be held tomorrow March 9. That's after the Health Film showing at 10 if I'm not mistaken. The encore will be held in the 316 classroom but you have to bring your outfits. We tried to get the ASTB AVR, although it was already reserved. Please ask Ethel for clarifications :)
Next, the Class Outing. The Encore was originally scheduled for Thursday but we moved it so our outing could push through. But here's the plan. It'll be held in Cattleya Resort in Antipolo. You can check the website for information and for a virtual tour. The meeting place is in Phil Sci at 8:30 so we can leave by 9. We get there probably at 9:30 or 10:00. Then we'll leave at 5 pm and be back by 6 in Phil Sci. Now, details on this I will explain tomorrow after the Health film showing. So go to the film showing.
Thanks to all of you for a wonderful school year. :D
Enjoy your SUMMER!
P.S. CS project due on friday details on moodle :D New groupings by the way. Check it out.
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