Thursday, December 17, 2009

Values Education Project

To those who got the paper with the bear cut-out, don't think your Christmas break will be all fun with this in mind. I have assigned the topics already to each person. Here is the list:

Class Number
1 - Dating, Courtship, Marraige
2 - Family as basic unit of society and its goals
7 - Euthanasia
11 - Love and Human Sexuality
12 - Divorce and Annulment
13 - Abortion
14 - Review on Fireproof and connection to topic
15 - Population Control
17 - Suicide
18 - Contraception
23 - Adultery
28 - Homosexuality

What I need you to do is submit an article about one of those topics. It has to be an article you, yourself, created. If not an article, a quiz thingo, like the ones you see in the magazines or games are also allowed, but be reminded that you have to ask me first before you do it since I don't want the whole magazine to be filled with quizzes and games. The specifications are:
~ must've 500-1000 words(you are free to go over, but not less)
~ 1 inch margin all sides
~ title of article/quiz and your name right under it
This is to be submitted to me before December 25. Yes, I don't want to see VE articles on Christmas day. xD Please submit it to or whichever you prefer to use.

For Ethel and Dalzy, I'm putting you guys in charge of layout of the magazine and printing. Tell me your ideas on Y!M if I'm online or email me your ideas if you wish, but preferably check if I'm online at Y!M.

If you don't want to have anything bothering you during Christmas break, I suggest you start doing your articles ASAP.
~Thea was here.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Announcements: Soph Night / homeworks

Soph Night

1. The payment isn't due on Monday na. The parents will set up a table beside the caf again so you can pay during the week

2. Tapos you have to choose a table pa for the soph night. 10 people per table. I think there's a list somewhere. So ask the batch council na lang

3.Boy dormers, you have to talk to Keno or Toby about your ride to the venue

4. Something is wrong with the letter i think. I'm just not sure eh. I'll update it later na lang.
*update* In the letter it says the attire is smart casual pero it has to be semi formal


Comp sci

1. Practical test in comp sci about functions i think. Check Moodle. And there's also a homework.


1. Practical test on the citations and APA style (My groupmates... email me or IM me if you want the soft copy of the project)


1. Project on Monday


1. Short quiz supposedly :D

Soc sci

1. Debate \:D/

Yun lang ata :P

Thursday, December 10, 2009

12/10/09 Homework

Panic Now:

1) Chem Long Test (See the PowerPoints Jeks posted below) XXXX

2) Physics Long Test (Bring Ruler, Sci Cal, and Protractor) XXXX

3) Bio Short Quiz XX

Panic Later:

1) Geom and Phil Projects (Moved to the next week) XXX

2) English and Com Sci Prac Tests (On Monday) XXXX

Chem. Powerpoint/s

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

12/09/09 Homework

Panic Now:

1) Geom Long test XXXX

2) Music Composition XXX

3) Soc Sci Debate on China XXXX

4) Bio Short Quiz XX

5) Com Sci Report XXX

6) Bring your yellow English book of readings tomorrow X

Panic Later:

1) Geom Project... next week! XX

2) Fil Project on Friday XXXX

3) Physics (Bring Ruler + Protractor) and Chem Long Tests on Friday XXXX

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

12/08/09 Homework

Panic Now:

1) Geom Homework XX

2) Incredibly Long Physics Homework XXXX

*) Filipino Consequences X

Panic Later:

1) Geom Long Test XXXX

2) Second Bio Long Test XXXX

3) Third FIl Long Test XXXX

4) Second Physics Long Test? XXX

5) Third Chem Long Test? XXX

6) Geom Project XXXX

7) Filipino Project XXXX

8) The Soc Sci Debates XXX

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Announcements for my groups... :D

Thea here!! xD So if you are not in any of my groups, then skip this. xDD

1. Chem
-Oh yes, there's a lab rep, which I'll do tomorrow during lunch break. xDD Oh yeah, I shall assign to you guys the questions. :D

Patrick - Find out some important uses of radioactive substances with short half-lives.
Ludho - Explain why these short half-live radioisotopes are preferred over those with very long half lives.

Oh yeah.... Start researching and studying about:
Radioactive Tracers: Application of Non-ionizing radiation.
c)Activation Analysis
d) Medical Diagnosis

2. Geom
Hi Levy and Vance. *waves* I have the drawing on the illustration and the pieces of black squares. You guys will be cutting out the red kites, pink squares, blue parallelograms and light brown rhombus. Start when you can 'cuz this is due on Friday na. :|

3. VE
Hi Bear cut-outs group! Ma'am assigned me as leader.... great... *sighs* Anyways, I'll assign articles some time this week. Sorry for being such a procrastinator. xDD

4. SS
Hi Meiji people!! Since our debate is on Monday next week. I'll give you the "thing" some time this week 'cuz  I don't know who you guys plan to use as witnesses. xDD

That's about it for my group members right now. :D
Signing off,

Friday, December 4, 2009

Announcements For My Groups/ Homeworks

Group for Geom:
Since you didn't give me the pieces I'll try to start cutting and pasting the quadrilaterals on the design myself... ughhh

Group for Filipino"
I assigned some stuff for you guys to do. Try to submit the summaries, vocabulary, mga tauhan, the relation to current events and the games and the test. Finish this by Monday so the rest of the week, we can just polish up the stuff and format it to look nice.

  • Chapter Summaries - You have to Finish this by Monday
  • Vocab and Tauhan - Most should be done by Monday, I assigned Chessie to this, but sa mga walang ginagawa tulad ni Kean at ni Ramon, tulong na rin kaya dito.
  • Relation to Current Events - Start looking for the articles and news that you can relate to the book. You should finish most by Monday
  • Game and Test - I assigned Justin and Jia to this... Justin, try to think of questions na and some idea for the game. By Monday, you should have questions na and know what you're going to ask for the game.
Let's all try to finish this by Monday para smooth sailing na lang during the week.


Bio- Long quiz on monday about diseases and pathogens

Geom- The hw and the project

Physics - Read up on the assigned chapters

Chem - Lab rep

Thursday, December 3, 2009

12/03/09 Homework

Panic Now:

1) The Val Ed Demographic Winter Paper XXXX
(Consider using Calibri, TNR, or Trebuchet, 1" margins on all sides, Q& A Format, and 1.5 spacing)
1. What are the causes of Demographic Winter? How dare the people affected by these changes in Society?
2. What can you say about the world’s fertility decline? What are the consequences particularly in Western and European countries? Is it possible that Asian countries like the Philippines will be affected by Demographic Winter? How?

2) The Val Ed Collage XXXX
On Intelligent Dating
-You need to make a collage on a bond paper.
-You can't print stuff (!)
-You need to have an original tagline for your work
-You also need a 6 sentence paragraph explaining your work

3) The En Sci Landscape Thing XXX

4) Algeb Long Test XXXX

Panic Later:

1) The Geom Homework XX

2) The Projects XXXX

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

12/02/09 Homework

Panic Now:

1) The Music Project Lyrics are due tomorrow. XXX

2) The impromptu speech is tomorrow. XX-XXXX

3) Read on both sides of your Soc Sci debate. XXX

4) For those who have not finished the Bio Drawings, it can be submitted tomorrow XX

5) Sources say the ENGLISH GROUP PROJECT is due TOMORROW! Mecum Omnes Plangite! XXXXX

Panic Later:

1) The Val Ed Collage and Demographic Winter paper (The end is nigh!) XXXX

2) The Geom Project with a Corny Name (Due next week thursday) XXX

3) The rest of the projects. XXXX


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12/01/09 Homework

Panic Now

1) The Com Sci Questions XX
(Courtesy of the J-Rex) What are void functions? Differentiate between reference parameter passing and passing by value.

2) The Bio Group Activity XXX

Panic Later

1) Val Ed Collage on Intelligent Dating XXX

2) Val Ed Demographic Winter Paper XXX
(The causes of Demographic Winter are Divorce Revolution, Sexual Revolution, Inaccurate Assumptions, Women Working, and Prosperity.)

3) Lyrics for Music XXX

4) The Impromptu Speech XX-XXXX

5) The Rest of the Projects (eg: Geom, English, Filipino, Soc Sci, etc...) XXXX

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Yay!! I feel like posting something. Yes, I was on posting hiatus for a while. xDD Anyways, this is just to give you a heads up on stuff. :)

1. VE
~The paper on Demographic Winter and the collage about Dating Intelligently. They are both due on Friday.

~The HW  about some questions. Yes, I myself cannot remember the questions. It's in my notebook but it's upstairs in my room. xDD

Projects (Die with the numbers)
1. Geom
~It's not due this week from what I know but might as well get started with it right? 

To my groupmates, we decided on the theme Valentines so create a design and we'll choose on Tuesday, which to do. :)

2. English
~The paper wherein we have to research on how to write a research paper. The APA shiz. xDD

To my groupmates, start looking up for it, you the APA site. xDD

3. SS
~The debate stuff and all. 

To my groupmates, start researching on the Satsuma Rebellion. Since we don't know what side we're in, just research on the important people during the time of the rebellion and an overview.

4. Filipino
~The chapters in a clearbook. xDD

To my groupmates, Cielo said that she couldn't find a com shop open, so we'll have the confe tomorrow Nov. 29 at the time we agreed on. :)

5. VE
~The magazine shiz. :D

To my groupmates, I will be assigning topics to you guys soon, what you'll do with the topics I'll tell you later when I have an idea. =))

6. Chem (tnx Leona)
~The reporting about the topics assigned to each group.

To my groupmates, start studying up on the topics. If you don't know what that is then IM me on Y!M. I'll most probably be OL. xD

7. Music (tnx Leona)
~Okay, the performance day is the week before exam. (Which is screwed 'cuz I don't like composing) The lyrics, I think, are due for "showing" this week. :D

To my groupmates, um... find a good poem to use or make lyrics. As for Kris, do you have a guitar? :))

That's about it... :)
Yours truly,

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chem Rubrics

Guys, you can get the rubrics for the chem portfolio over at the ilang ilang site. YEHEY!!!

11/26/09 Homeworks

Panic Now:

1) Chem Portfolio XXXX

2) Filipino Long Test XXXX

3) Physics Long Test XXXX

4) Possible Bio "Short" (below 40 items) Quiz XXX


Panic Later:

1) Val Ed Collage due Next Friday

2) Music Composition due Two Weeks from Now

3) English Research due later

4) Demographic Winter paper due later

5) Geom Project with corny name due later

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

11/25/09 Homework

1) English Long Test tomorrow XXXX

2) Geom Homework XX
(P. 293- 8,9 and P. 296- 2, 4, 5, 6)

3) Bring Your Soc Sci handout tomorrow (X if you have one, XXXX if you don't)

4) Soc Sci Quiz on the above handout. XXX

5) Music Composition due a long, long time from now XX

6) Paskorus XX

7) The Chem Portfolio XXXX

8) The Val Ed Collage due next week? XXX

9) Research project in English by group XXX

Saturday, November 21, 2009

22/11/09 requirements

What we need for this week

Long tests
Chem on Tuesday or Wednesday ( most probably wed)
Fil on Friday
Bio on Thursday (i think)
Physics on Friday
english on thursday

Chem portfolio on Friday
English project some time this week
Paskorus on Friday

Algeb Hw... di ko alm kung anu
Bio lab rep on friday
english by chapter review ng book on wed

For tomorrow
Valed Contraceptives
Socsci Read
Ensci quiz
geom quiz
comsci presentation
Health bring sports wear
English vocab
Pakorus practice sa homeroom siguro...

More??? ayoko na eh... pero pa-comment...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Homework/Reminders: 11/17/09

1. The geom homework is due tomorrow. Haha, sorry na lang sa mga nacollect ko na.

1. Answer Problem Set 3, numbers 1-3.

1. Read:
5.3 Problem Solving Using Matrices pp. 210-215
9.1 Graphing Quadratic Functions pp. 412-416
9.2 y = ax^2 + ax + c??? pp. 417-421

2. Answer pp. 214-215 #s 11-16.

1. Synthesis paper is due on Thursday.

1. Practice tomorrow during dismissal till 5:10 if you guys are cooperative. Expect longer practices to come in the following days.
2. Listen to the song here. What you'll sing is very similar. The only difference really is the girls part towards the end.
3. Practice singing please kthanks.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bio Checklist for tomorrow

Requirement - total scores

I SQ 1 - 10
I SQ 2 - 10
I SQ 3 - 10
I SQ 4 - 15
II SQ 1 - 10
II SQ 2 - 20
I LE 1 - 40
I LE 2 - 65
II LE 1 - 40
I CA 1 - 10
I CA 2 - 10
I CA 3 - 10
II CA 1 - 10
II CA 2 - 10

Soc. Sci. homework


1. How did relations between Hindus and Muslims evolve over time?
2. What does Marco Polo's awe at the glories of China suggest about the differences between China and Europe at that time?
3. Give two examples of how Koreans adapted or modified Chinese ideas.
4. a) What aspects of Japanese life were influenced by China?
b) How did the Japanese preserve their own culture?
5. Describe three results of centralized feudalism.
6. How did the growth of towns influence Japanese arts and literature?
7. a) How did Confucianism and Buddhism spread from China across a wide area of East Asia?
b) Give two examples of how Korea and Japan maintained their own identities.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Announcement :D


I have a special announcement. On Monday Nov. 16, I will provide lunch for everyone. Please do not bring or buy food, because the extra food will go to waste. Eating starts at 11:40 until the end of Homeroom. :D


Ty. Go Dahlia.

-K. Utanes
P.S Nakipost lang.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Homework/Reminders: 11/12/09

1. Bring the stuff for the experiment tomorrow. (eggs, cheese, chocolate, microwavable plate, ruler, knife, nachos, marshmallows)

1. 3HW2

a. Resolution
b. Resolving power
c. Magnification
d. Magnifying power
e. Refraction G Parfocal
f. Refractive index

1. A. What is the relationship between resolving power and magnifying power?
1. B. Describe the image formed under the microscope and explain the principle behind it.
2. If you are observing a live organism that is moving towards the right as seen under the microscope, how will you move the slide to follow the organism?
3. If you do not have a lens or a microscope available, how will you magnify an object? (Design a gadget)
4. How do you estimate the diameter of the viewing field?

1. Paskorus practice tomorrow during Algeb time. If you guys cooperate (meaning sing the piece properly by you know, looking at the notes and stuff), we'll let you guys go at 3:20. If not, we'll extend practice till 4 or so, until we finish. We'll have practice na once or probably twice everyday from now on.

Also. Please please please please please cooperate. As fun as it is to joke around and stuff, we aren't really getting anywhere. So sing the pieces properly, and try not to talk too much when the people in front are trying to announce something. Tapos, if you have input on something, please don't shout it out. Raise your hand or something, or lapitan niyo yung mga nasa harap and tell them what you think instead.

Tapos, let's do our best. The goal isn't to win, but to give a good performance to the judges and the people who will be watching us during the elims. Why? Kasi sexy tayo, and we need to live up to that sexiness. So please cooperate, and make this a worthwhile experience. Remember, SEXY TAYO.

- The sexytary :>

Oh, comment na lang sa mga na-miss na stuff.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Homework 12/11/09



Soc Sci
sa classroom muna tayo bukas, i'll check in the fac center, bago mag lib

un lng...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

homeworks and announcements :11/10/09

1. Geom
  • long test on thursday

2. Algeb

  • long test on thursday
3. Filipino

  • long test on friday

4. Physics

  • the last 2 group discussions
  • bring the following...(when is this exactly?)
  • eggs,cheese,chocolate,marshmallows,microwavable plate,knife,ruler(is that all?)


  • the hw on the resolving power etc...
  • those who didn't do the critical thinking part of the chapter 15 hw can still pass the critical thinking part tomorrow, since this will be credited to the recitation grade


  • Chem portfolio is due on the week of nov 23

7. English

  • The Things Fall Apart long test in on the 26th
  • The documentation thingo project is due on Dec.3(sabi ni angel)

8.Soc Sci

  • Go to the museum and do the synthesis paper
  • read the handouts [look for Mughal India-ch.11, Ming and Yuan-ch.13 and Korea Japan-ch.13]
  • more info in the socscidos wordpress


PASKORUS adjlskdfjsldjkgah :|

We're gonna have to perform on Nov.20... That's NEXT FRIDAY NA!
Please memorize it as quickly as you can... We'll try to practice during lunch, breaks or dismissal
Cooperate naman para mabilis lang tayo matapos...

So yun lang i think,..
i posted the projects due na so people won't CRAM it! ;)


Monday, November 9, 2009

HWs 11/09/2009

Weeeeeeee!!! HWs time... with announcements and what nots... *shrugs*

1. SS
Seatwork whatever tomorrow... so read the handout... :D

2. Chem
The long test is most probably tomorrow and I'm not sure if the lab rep is due tom. but just in case, do it already... :))

3. Bio
Have the stuff signed pero I think that's due on PTC or Monday... :D

4. Physics
Most probably reporting so the next group get ready... ;)

that's about it... yeah...
oh yeah Paskorus shiz...

PLEASE MEMORIZE THE PIECE BY MONDAY... :D for instruments, start practicing playing the piece and there is practice tomorrow if there is a free period... if not, just a couple of minutes after CAD (preferably practice will be from 4:10 - 4:40/4:45)... :D

A studying crammer signing off,

Sunday, November 8, 2009

homework 09/11/09

Chapter 15: Chapter review, refer to table of contents

longtest ba bukas??

memorized na sana ang piece bukas, ung assigned sa voice mo (sop, alt, ten, bas)

Thursday, November 5, 2009


due tomorrow, nov. 6.
1. relate and explain 5 important lessons you learned from the film (essay).
2. how does john (caleb's father) and michael (black guy) and their co-workers help caleb and catherine unravel and solve their marital conflicts.?

see you guys tomorrow.!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Intrams Schedule

1. Here's the Intrams reminders from the SA... go here

2. Be in sports attire and house shirt for tomorrow until friday.
So bukas, kailangan yung red shirt pati yung Talong shirt.

Amazing Race stuff

Just reiterating some stuff plus some new announcements:

1. Each team must submit a catalogue of all the items that they used in the making of their props and challenges and what not. This includes items that were sponsored. If the item was not sponsored, include the price and the receipt as well. Submit this by tomorrow.

2. Like Sir Martin said, even if you don't think you're doing anything tomorrow, you will be doing something tomorrow. Everyone has to help out because I'm sure as hell that something will go wrong and people will have to be there to fix it. Please remember to come in a mostly-plain red shirt and nice shorts/pants if you are not a photographer or if you do not have a special costume. The yellow wristbands will be provided for tomorrow. All the photographers will wear black I think, so yeah.

3. If you are going to be a racer, make sure to wear the house colors and be at the starting venue for your respective race on time. Also, do your best and win so that we get the pampataas ng grade.

4. Fix all the stuff that you have to bring TONIGHT and double-check so that you don't forget to bring it tomorrow.

5. Get a good night's rest so that you can function properly tomorrow.

Anyway, that's about it. Good luck to everyone!

Ay oo nga pala.

1. Lab Report is due on Wednesday :-bd

Val. Ed.:
1. The reaction paper is due on Friday :-bd

Sunday, November 1, 2009

logistics and budget

each team is required to pass the list of all the items bought even if it's sponsored.. REQUIRED.
pass it on tuesday.
thanks. good luck to everyone tomorrow. :>

Saturday, October 31, 2009

amazing race dry run.

guys. tomorrow ramon and levy will go to pisay and try to secure a permit for us to meet on monday.
tentative sched is 8-4. it's props-making, dry run and pre-event filiming day.
hope you guys can come.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

History Of Atomic Structure Pisay Version

This is for those who cannot access the file on Sir Paz's multi. Credits to Sir Paz :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homeworks 27/10/09

microscope homeworks...

We need labgowns and goggles tomorrow....

  • Bring props na...
  • Writers, pass all script na...
  • Art, submit to jeks the final layout of the cards
  • Jeks, we need to put the script in the layout na... we can produce the script na for route info, like where they are going... details tomorrow... will help you with that.
unlang i suppose... please comment...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Homework 26/09/10

Soc Sci
A lot to manage.
  • camera crew... need 10 people that are sure by wednesday... please lend your cams
  • Props should be brought na and at least halfway through by wednesday...
  • Japan Group, Finalize your challenge tonight please... then pass the props list tomorrow
  • art people, layouts naman kayo, i think ichecheck ni sir bukas (if ever andun xa)
  • Writer, script naman, para ma-edit na ni jeks, plus malagay na sa paper.. must be done by wednesday.. then uhhmm, will finalize it by thursday (putting to actual paper with actual design...) Printing problems, please ask early. The Host (Gaby) shall practise
  • each team leader, you'll go with me for the scouting of places tomorrow morning...
  • Props and art, must start with what is available tomorrow kaagad... please
  • Paints?? who can donate Paints?!! i think we can use the ensci paint, isn't it jeks??
  • I will get a list from kean and will check what props we are should be doing na...
  • Please work...
we haven't got a copy of the piece, but we should memorize it na by friday. Intrams, we will call at least one per day... not the amazing race day

please comment

the homework too

kami na bukas plus ung pagkatapos samin

ang response paper, pass this week. ung 4 pages na help kit shit, next homeroom

mga continuation nung kanina
ang dami nung socsci... gawa na please....

Friday, October 23, 2009

Homeworks due tom.

Hahaha.... lateness... I had to do an ASAP article so sorry.

Anyways... no HW!! Yay!! well sort of no HW.... just reminders... xDD

1. SocSci
We need awesome suggestions for South China, Taiwan and Japan.. :))

2. Physics
Reporting for Quantum Group and Wave-Particle Duality group.

3. Filipino
Group 3 reporting on Chapter 23... and the cheer thing too... :))

4. Bio
Microscope handling continuation... XDD

5. EnSci
Quiz... who's making shotgun?? :))

6. Algeb
To whoever wants to... read about Cramer's Rule... xDD

signing off....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Homework/Reminders: 10/22/09

Soc. Sci.:
1. Proposals for Taiwan (and Korea I think) are due tomorrow :D

1. Bring the handouts for scientific writing, in case we start by tomorrow.

1. Groups 2 and 3 will do their narration of El Fili :D.

1. The next 2 groups should be ready for the Physics presentations. The 3rd group should e-mail the powerpoint by tonight or else Ma'am will be mad and be all scary-like T_T

1. Compositions are due in December! :D
2. Here's the paskorus piece. Found it on imeem haha.

Random thing:
OMG PASKORUS :| :| :|. Ugh. Anyway, we need to assign someone to lead us na or something so we can start practices early para we don't get super-stressed in the long run. And did anybody else notice the huge interval wherein we don't sing at all and there's just music playing? Ano gagawin natin dun? Sasayaw? @-) Oh well.

Anyway, yun lang, ata. Comment na lang if there's anything else.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Homework/Reminders: 10/21/09

Hi friends.

Soc. Sci.:
1. Soc. Sci. supplementary essay is due tomorrow!
2. We should probably set the deadline for the drafts and stuff or whatevers by the end of this week so we dont end up cramming and stressed cause may Paskorus rin and stuff lol.

Yun lang ata. Comment na lang.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homework/Reminders: 10/20/09

Hi guys! Yeah that's right, these posts will now be titled this way. You know why? Wala lang, para mas complete. :>

Soc. Sci.:
1. Film showing tomorrow 4:30 - 6:00 at the 3rd floor Audi. :-bd

1. Physics presentations start tomorrow. Groups 1 and 2 should be ready :-bd

1. The narration story-telling whatevs starts tomorrow as well. Groups 1-3 should be ready :-bd.

Other reminders:
1. Payment for t-shirt is due on Friday! 250 methinks.

This post is useless because it is 10:00 in the evening already. Fail. :))

Friday, October 16, 2009

Homeworks for next week

First blogspot post after the perio. Woohoo!!! So, yeah... I hope you guys did well and for those who didn't there's next quarter anyways. What we should worry about for now is how depressed Sir Da is. :|

Anyways... Homeworks, Reminder, Projects and what nots. (Notice my boredom here)


1. EnSci
The paper on the day After Tomorrow is due on Monday~*
The questions:

1)Enumerate the environmental concerns tackled in the movie.
2) Cite Evidences that those concerns are really happening.
3) How is climate shift related to global warming?
4) What situations in the movie would not possibly be true?
5) Cite similarities between situations in the movie and those in the Philippines.
6) How does ocean salinity indicate climate change?
7) What lessons did you learn from the movie?

2. English
Uh-oh... there's still impromptu speech for those who haven't done it. Since we ended last meeting with Jeff, we'll start with Jaren next meeting~*

3. Physics
Group reports are fun! (Please sense the sarcasm) So yeah... You all know what your groupings are or at least I hope you do.

4. SocSci
~Taken from the wordpress. Our first meeting will be in the Seminar Room and the second too... I think 'cuz we have our second meeting on a Tuesday, but then Rosal or Champaca has their first meeting on Tuesday, so... two days in the Seminar Room most likely...

~On Tuesday and Wednesday there will be film viewing at the 3rd floor audi. Yay!! It is the videos we were supposed to watch if Ondoy never occurred. So it's about Marco Polo and Zheng He. Which day is which, I have no clue, but I do know the movie whatever is from 4:30-6 :)

~Oh yeah, it also said on Tuesday be in the 3rd Floor Audi by 4:20 because we'll be drawing lots for something major. (quoted from wordpress)

5. Filipino (Thanks to Leona for reminder)
The group work of chapters by row. :) 

6.CS (Thanks to Jericho for the reminder)
Bring the 1st long test... if you still have it... no idea why though.. >.<

=*=Non-subject related=*=

~* Payment for class pictures is due on Monday? Please correct me if I'm wrong. If you haven't picked out what pictures you want to get, then look for Ethel on Monday because she has the folder. (How it got to her was a mystery)
~* Payment for batch shirt on Friday!! Please remember.
~* Recollection tomorrow... :) For those who are going, be there by 8am and the reco will end at 5pm
~* Finally, ASTRSOC members... There will be a stargazing on October 23, 2009 entitled Galilean Nights. It's from 5:00pm to 11:59pm (they could've said 12mn na lang eh). If you're planning to stay beyond 7pm, you will need a permit slip, which will be available at the photocopier (which photocopier, I have no clue)

I think that's about it. Comment if you remember anything else I might've forgotten, which might surely happen because I have STM... *sighs* If there is anything to be corrected from what I posted, please leave a comment so I can edit it. :)

Signing off...

ps. oh yeah... add my new Y!M
because I'll be moving to it by the end of the school year. 

Thursday, October 15, 2009

event's over. now time to pray.

guys. PERIO is OVER.

you got that right.! [except for gaby I guess]. but anyways, *victory dance*.
congratulations to everyone for doing well [ = not physically fainting inside the classroom just mentally] in the exams. :>. hope everybody lives at least a day after the results are shown. :)).

so yeah.
last reminders.
envi sci. the day after tomorrow hw thing.
soc sci. optional essay thing. just go to the wordpress site.
batch shirt payments. P250.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Batch Shirts!!!

Batch Shirts are now delivered and is now with me. I will distribute it, i guess, on Friday (if the shirt sizes are sent already. let's see.).
It is worth Php 250.00 (Two Hundred-Fifty Pesos).
The deadline of payments would be on Friday (23 October 2009) at exactly 12 NOON. Kean and I will collect the payments, and then forward it to our Batch Council.

Thank you.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homework: 10/12/09

Perios for tomorrow:
1. Physics
2. VE
3. Bio

Standby for coverage of the perios, or if you know the coverage post it in the comments :D.

Soc. Sci.:
1. For those who will take the oral LT, be there on time. Make sure the whole group is there, otherwise you won't be able to start and you'll get an F2 and then your grades will go lajkehtwlakjthqw. So yeah :D

Good luck everybody!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Weekend Update

Hi Guys! Sorry late na yung post.

Soc. Sci.:

And of course, exams na on Tuesday.

Comment if I missed anything, which I probably did.

Tuesday: Physics, VE, Bio
Wednesday: Geom, Fil, SocSci
Thursday: Algeb, English, Chem

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Project is due tomorrow at time 1200 (12:00)

Long Test tomorrow

Short test/Long quiz tomorrow

any more?? please comment...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Balik Eskwela

Please help...

Homework: 10/07/09

2. Project is due on Friday :D

Yun lang ata. Good luck to everyone :D

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Homework: 10/6/09

If you have the coverage, paki-comment na lang.

Com. Sci.:
1. omg long test. :))
Study the stuff on moodle. No need to panic naman siguro haha.

Yun lang I think. Post a comment na lang if I missed anything :D

Monday, October 5, 2009


HW are on the past Blog

The pentagon auxillary set thing(correct spelling??) which is also an item on the book p.198, #6

LT tomorrow, origin of life, chemosyntetic theory, and stuff i guess

also on the past blog

I wonder if kean photocopied it already... the reviewer only
the powerpoint is not required, thus provisions should be done by self.

anything missed?? please comment

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Homeworks 03/10/09

2-hw2 p. 192 #5; p. 193 #12.
Officially announced that the deadline of the project is on Friday, 09/10/09. boxes are to be given on Monday.

p. 168 #'s 42,44,48

p. 11-12 #'s 6 and 7
the formulas: (thanks Leona)

6.) Na2CO3 + 2AgNO3 --> Ag2CO3 + 2NaNO3

7.) H2SO4 + Pb(COOH)2 --> PbSO4 + 2HCOOH

The Microscope homework might be due on Monday na... MIGHT... so do it this weekend for sure.
And the longtest might not be rescheduled... MIGHT... because we finished na naman what we should know for the longtest... so... prepare...

Val Ed
The Paper thing...

The assigned chapters to be read and explained in the book "The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make" by Sean Covey. Please try to recall the groupings, or at least how the grouping process underwent...

Soc Sci
Two Major Changes:
1. Long Quiz 3 is canceled
2. Film Showings are Postponed
Two Priorities Now:
1. Prepare for the Periodic Exams
2. Don't worry about Soc Sci2 but worry about bigger things.

Anything Missed?? Please comment...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More announcements...

These came from Levy, but Levy couldn't post them because his net is slow... so yeah... continuing on!

TO ALL BATCH 2012: Our batch is assigned to collect and pack relief goods which include canned goods, clothes, soap and other cleaning utencils, money, etc. on Thursday, 8 am to 12 nn. Everyone is strongly recommended to partake in helping those who were affected by Typhoon Ondoy, especially those from Pisay. We will also clean the SHB together with CARE. Also, you may drop of relief goods on Wednesday and Thursday. Go to the pisay website for more details, if it is on the pisay website. xDD


New Announcements!!!

New announcements!!!!!! Okay... I think this will be sort of good news especially for procrastinators (like me) and lazy people (like me!).

Declared by the CISD... There will be no classes for the remaining week. For what reasons? I have no clue... ask Levy. Probably they need more time to clean up after bagyong Ondoy/Ketsana.

Classes resume on October 5. The periodic exams will be moved to Oct. 13-15. Diba? Sort of good news na yun. xDD

Since we won't have classes for this week, don't forget to say Happy Birthday to Patrick Jose Viros Andaya the fourth on October 4 since it's his birthday. (Sorry for spreading again Patrick) He'll be turning 15 years old, so annoy him about it. =)) When we get back to school naman, greet Cielo a Happy Birthday since her birthday is well... October 5... xDD

Signing Off...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Report as of 2:57pm

I've texted Dahlia Parents. So far, there are no one greatly harmed and in great danger. Some people, however, haven't replied. Let us now hope for the best, and pray, that they are fine. Thank you.

New Announcement

There are no classes on all level until Tuesday according to the news.

a message from our batch council:
TWO OH! TWELVE ATTENTION! As you know, the typhoon has left us with a big mess, and unfortunately, some of our batchmates are suffering from the damages caused by the typhoon. SO CLASS OFFICERS, PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT YOUR CLASSMATES AND FIND OUT IF THEY ARE IN NEED OF ANY HELP! ASSIGN CLASS OFFICERS TO CONTACT THE PEOPLE IN YOUR CLASS! PLEASE MAKE A LIST OF ALL THE PEOPLE IN NEED AND PASS THEM TO YOUR PRESIDENT WHO WILL IN TURN SNED THEM TO ME. Guys, while you are on your computer, some of your schoolmates might be in trouble. So please do your best to help. Let's work as a team. It's the least we can do.P.S. Please prepare na rin donations which you can donate to the typhoon victims (food, old clothes, mlik). Not sure when we will bring this, just prepare.--KENO

As you have read, some of us might be needing help. If you need help, tell it to me then I'll forward it to the Council, and i guess, to the our Class PTA as well. I'll start connecting to people tomorrow... We are all in this together...

Saturday, September 26, 2009


My mom received a text message from Ms. Beth Uy saying:
"Classes are suspended tomorrow."

There are no classes tomorrow.
Geom is not due tomorrow. *(update) Geom proj is now due on Friday, 02/10/09 forwarded by Dalzy. Thanks...:D
Bio Long Test would be rescheduled.
Bio Long Test would be rescheduled. shortening the gap for the next Long Test.
And a lot of other things possibly to be rescheduled or shortened and stuff.

HW(please comment: what hw# it is)
p.192, #5
P.193, #12

Pa-comment ng page please ASAP.

Ung sa handout. Pa-comment na rin kung anu.

Val Ed
Homework, ung sa paper. uhhm Family stuffs, tree branches ans scoops of icecream. bsta un. If ever Monday Sched sa monday, mern na... if not... mern pa rin... Plus ung mga ni-require na gumawa ng additional Projects


Friday, September 25, 2009

Homework: 09/25/09

1. The geometry project is still due on Monday, Sept. 28 during the period. Place the pieces and the pattern cards in a short brown envelope. The box will come eventually.

1. Do the homework about the microscope and stuff.

1. I don't know the pages or whatever, but there's homework. Comment na lang.

Val. Ed.:
1. For those who need to do extra work, research on 4 companies that were in the ACLE. Focus on their mission and vision, and how they became successful. Then make a reflection on the success of filipino entrepreneurship. I think.

Comment na lang if I missed anything, which is likely.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm starting to be like Jeks... xDD

I really need to get this out to people because I'm not sure if they're going to be OL in Y!M. (I hope they'll go OL, so I can tell it to them straight. xDD)

Cielo and Angel, I need the cards for Geom by tomorrow dismissal. I'll be in school until 5:45pm give or take how many minutes. If you're unable to give it to me by then, just send me the file with the figures and I'll print it. xDD

Patrick Jose Viros Andaya IV, I am reminding you about the Chem Lab Rep questions. I also need it by tomorrow. xDD

That's about it. If you can send it by today, then better. :))

~~Thea was here. xDD

Bamboo in the wind summary!!!

It's from Gian Magno, and maybe from Joan Ravalo...
so, thanks a lot to them...

This is the LINK to the multi site for summary... you must click this to see.
so there..


longtest tomorrow


i'm not sure if there is a quiz... just read also

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework: 09/22/09


Yun lang.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hey Everybody

Hey guys,

I'm in Bacolod right now in Netopia,
This rp training camp is hard, i have to catch up with my studies so if any kind soul is out there, can you please send me stuff to my gmail. :D

I'll just give you guys a glimpse of our training.

So we wake up at 5 in the morning then we start training at 6. Our training lasts for 3 hours until like 9 or 9:30. then we eat breakfast, then we have to rest and sleep to recover...

then we eat lunch at like 12 noon or 1 then i have to do my laundry... that's right, i'm doing my laundry :O then we go training again at 3 until like 6 then we eat dinner...

then at like 7 our coach gives us back our phones, so this is the only time we can relax and stuff

then at 8 we pray the rosary, then a team meeting until like 8:30 or 9 then at 9 30 lights off and our phones get confiscated until the next day...

it's really hard our coach is like a military navy person so you have to be disciplined and stuff...

so it's a really good experience for me so it's awesome. haha

but i need to catch up so if you gus can send me stuff like notes and handouts it'll be a real help
like for geometry, physics and hard stuff :D



Saturday, September 19, 2009

HWs for 09/22/2009

hm... let's start of with a bang... LOOOOOOOONG WEEKEND!!! :D \:D/ Let's rejoice especially for those who need to catch up on sleep. ;) Anyways... since no one has bother to post anything yet... (who wouldn't? I'm lazy too) I shall post something school related... xDD

1. SocSci
~~Part one of the very very awesome readings. (Please sense the sarcasm there) Well... my only comment in it is that it's easy to understand... and part one is relatively easy to understand. Results of the tournament are on the wiki... so just go to it. >.<

2. ComSci
~~I think a quiz or write down your program on paper thing may happen... either on the 22nd, 23rd or 24th... now I just noticed out CS schedule is continuous for this week... >.<

3. Health
~~What your group is going to do for the Stress Management if you haven't submitted it yet...

4. Geom
~~ One more week til the project is due... >.<

1. Sir Martin said it's Monday sched... so arrive early 'cuz we're sure there's flag cem since it's Monday sched...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework: 09/17/09

1. The project is due tomorrow na, 12 noon :D.

1. LT tomorrow. The problem set will serve as your pass to getting a long test questionnaire, so be sure to finish it! :D. If not, may UB kayo para mag-cram :)) But I don't advise that.

Envi. Sci.:
1. Quiz on the foshizzles. Bonus points for researching on the newer methods/processes of producing sodium carbonate.

Good luck with health! :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homework: 09/16/09

1. Homework from yesterday is due tomorrow :D. Please finish it before lunch, so I can collect it after Bio. And I mean it :| Cram it in the morning na, or do it tonight para you have more time to do Health and other stuff.

1. You all know this by now.

1. Prepare your debate whatever, even if you have to defend a side which is totally outrageous or indefensible (Life from outer space wtf?).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Homework: 09/15/09

1. 2HW1 - p. 180 #s 7,8 (size 1)

Envi. Sci.:
1. Research on the new processes of making sodium carbonate.
2. Water your plants; the environment won't do it for you this week. :|

1. Project is due on Friday at 12 noon. ASJHFALSJFH

Soc. Sci.:
1. Quiz on the stuff :D

That's about it I think. :-bd

Monday, September 14, 2009


En Sci
Research for situations/ scenarios/ examples of air pollution
Bonus homework: research on the new method of producing sodium carbonate.
We have a quiz tomorrow... here is a link from the Dahlia Multiply
Soc Sci
Sir Martin asked us to read.
Read again, i remember him saying that we will discuss Mesopotamia.
read The new handout...
Bamboo in the wind... Longtest is on September 24,2009... just 10 days from now
project deadline is on Friday, Strictly 12 noon...

Any more?/ Pleas comment

Homework: 09/14/09

Hey guys.

1. Long Test tomorrow. Study so that you don't fail! :D

Envi. Sci.:
1. Quiz tomorrow on layers of atmosphere and air pollution + activity we had today?

1. The consequence thingy. Just read the last post.

If there are any that I forgot, please just comment. Thank you!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Adding posts is fun.. xDD || 09/12/2009 HWs and Reminders

So how was the ACLE for you guys? I hope you didn't get bored to death or something. :)) I also hope the PTC when well for the most of you even though you were called on by some teachers. Just think of the being called as an energy boost. xDD Anyways, let's get right down to business. HWs and Reminders for the incoming week. Yes, I will post what will happen for the whole incoming week. xDD

1. SocSci
~~Sir Martin checked the Dahlia papers already. Woohoo!! Lowest grade in the class is a C- and the class average in the LT is 25/30. :D
~~The essay about 9/11 is due on Monday. You are also asked to read the readings. xDD The question btw is...
What happened on Sept. 11, 2001 and how did it "change the world" as we know it? How did the days after 9/11 make it necessary to understand and appreciate Islam more deeply?

2. Values Education
~~The paper about Waterboys. Yes... that one. I think we all know that.

3. Bio
~~Your notebooks are already available of grabbing. Actually, since Friday pa raw, but Ma'am said she forgot to tell us. I think it was because of the very heated discussion about one question in the long test.

4. Health
~~ The project about yourself is due on Friday. :D Yay!! (not xD)

5. Chem
~~ Sir Paz already finished checking our long test since this afternoon. 

6. Filipino
~~ Remember the HW for those who have to do the consequences. You have to write who your idol is and why and make that idol of yours sign. It should be done in a 1/4 sheet pad paper. Boys have to pick girls and vice versa. xDD

7. Physics
~~The long test is at the end of the week. :D

8. Algeb
~~ The long test for Algeb is on Tuesday. So be prepared. :D

That's about it! I think... =)) Yes... me and my sort of unreliableness... >.<>

Signing off...

Friday, September 11, 2009

ACLE tomorrow... and... PTC...

Would be held at time 1300 to 1500. The school encourages your parents to attend, especially if you have grade that are in "border line" and/or failing... Just, let your parents know that they are greatly encouraged to attend...
General Ribbon Cutting would be at time 8:30... There are some people who said that there would be something to be done earlier, i'm not sure what it is... just, go to school the normal time you go to our normal classes to be safe... uhhmm...
Please be at the Caf at 8:00 am... strictly 8:00 am at the caf... and Thea, you must be there... we shall check the Dahlia Attendance para organized naman... so... 8:00 am sa caf...

Val Ed
May homework tayo sa WATERBOYS...
take down notes sa ACLE niyo... may ipapagawa si mam tunkol dun...
Soc Sci(update)
Take home essay... due on monday... I heard, if everyone passed the homework, we might get a bonus or something... not sure though... so... it's safe if everyone pass... and... would be nice...
Project Deadines:
geom-Sept 28 or 26???
health- Sept 18

any more? please comment

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Because I like to use the blogspot as a personal vehicle for announcements

Hi Guys. I'm alive :0. Anyway, just a minor announcement :D

Leona, we'll start working on the geom project as soon as I get back. Since Gaby is well, gone, he'll mostly be in charge of conceptualizing designs, names, and stuff like that. We'll have to be the ones to do the more hands-on work, since well, yeah, I think you get the point naman. So yun, by Monday (or Tuesday if we decide to go to the excursion whatever na we probably should go to cause like wow we payed like 3500 for the huge reg fee diba? :|, but yeah. ). So yeah, don't fret :-bd

Anyway, yun lang. Good luck with the school stuff for tomorrow, kay? kay. :D :))


Long test tomorrow... Bring your CALCULATORS, and, maybe peridic table na rin, para sure...

Elephant Edition Biology 1 book, pp. 352-353, on pad paper due tomorrow...

project is due next Friday

Project is due next next week, i think...

any more?? just comment:D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09/09/09 HWs and Reminders

Isn't it so cool... It's like September 9, 2009... =)) Okay... sorry just had to share...

Anyways.... so we aren't sure if there is school tomorrow or not... 'cuz some random alert may pop-up... hopefully there's school because if there suddenly wasn't we'd be annoyed that we studied for the long tests tom... so off with HWs, reminders and what nots...

1. Soc Sci
~~ You all know it... the Long Quiz is tomorrow. So study as much as you can because it's mostly identification... :)) But then. good luck to us all. No aura of intimidance (is there such a word?) since Gaby and Jeks will be absent. =__= \:D/

2. Algebra
~~ The Seatwork made HW, which I think is so cool. To be done on one whole sheet of pad paper... I think... >.<

3. English
~~ For all those who are remaining, good luck with your prepared speeches... :D Let's make English as long as possible with these speeches... ;)

4. Music
~~ The chords with the invertions... so yeah... you pick the key... play the scale... then the chords... then the inversions...

That's about it.... sorry if I forget anything... >.<

Live from Earth and now signing off...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nyahaha!! Added info...

You guessed it... There's added stuff...

and no, it is not related to Values Education... (BGM: sigh of reliefs)

We have a Com Sci Long Test tomorrow...
Details are on moodle... but let me copy and paste it... 'cuz I have such perseverance... xDD

Long Test 2 on lessons 1 - 6 on September 9, 2009
Flowcharting is also included.
On-line test, 50 points: make sure you are able to log in to the PSHS0 network and to Moodle.

So yes, we're going to most likely stay in the aircon room with the computer student ratio of 1:1... xDD (it's math >.<)  I love that room and its swivelly chairs... :))

So... remember your moodle password and of course your log-in info to the computer itself... :))

Oh yes... I shall add...

so Prepared Speeches and what nots...

I'm the last so I want your opinion... should I take my time in the speech or not?? (you know... to suck up English time...) Nyahahaha!!!

Signing off....


Assignments 08/09/09

tomorrow is 09/09/09 cool...
Val Ed

Mam now clarified the instructions for the posters.... She said, all things shall be inputted: schedule, name of the whole activity, EXHIBITORS (not sponsors, take note...) and other stuffs... You sahll do 2 copies of it, meaning, just produce another copy... so there, deadline is tomorrow morning to GABY (I guess)...

any thing else?? please comment...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Extra photos for the VE project. :|

Ma'am sarmago emailed me again and this is what it said:

"here's two additional logo for acle

use the bejeweled logo here, its better (high resolution) than the one i sent you last time.

i'll let you know if fic and penshoppe confirm our invitation.

ms. s"

so i guess this means to not include the penshoppe and fic photos yet on the poster with the sponsors, pero you have to put these i think;

so yun...

and may bio hw pala

BIO !!

- Results and Discussions ng Lab Activity

- gaby

Friday, September 4, 2009

HW & Announcements: Sept 4 ,2009

so here's the parent consent form, for the people who need to have this signed for tomorrow, print it na lng yourself kasi walang photocopier kanina.


Val Ed

- We have a new project for VAlEd, since on sept 12, we'll have our ACLE, our class was assigned to make posters for the ACLE

it's due on TUESDAY!

This is individual, on SBP, i think you have to make 2 copies and the content should have this

*Update* - it's like this daw. you make 2 posters,
the first one has this as its content,

the second poster has other info,

**you can find the content of the second poster on our class multiply cause i dunno how to attach a file on blogspot, so go here

2 posters gagawin, yung picture sa blogspot, pati yung link sa multiply, magkaiba yung content ng posters!

So basically, what you need to do for this project is to copy the content , print it, then add designs and color it to make it look nice.

Good luck! remember, due on tuesday.

- the infrasound ultrasound sonic spectrum

- the group/class data for the pick-up sticks experiment

so yun lng ata


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Homework: Sept 2, 2009

1. Algeb

- the problem given

yun lng ba hw?


1. Intrams

- We need a list of players who want to play either football, basketball, volleyball

- Regarding our intrams shirt
Everybody has to pay Php 180 for the intrams shirt ( Our House name by the way is Purple Talongs)

Here's the pic of the shirt so yeah, i think we're gonna receive this on friday so if you can pay by tomorrow, give it to Kean


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Homework 02/09/09

sorry... late announcement...

Com Sci...
please check the moodle site for the official announcement... crap...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Homework: 8/29/09


- Finish the Class data table (if anybody needs the data, ask me)
I need someone to print the last three scientists
Alexander Ivanovich Oparin
Stanley Miller & Harold Urey
Sidney Walter Fox

I'll be the one to get the descriptions


-P.169 # 13

Soc sci

- Take home quiz and first emperor


- We need a class shirt design
so make your designs! :) para maganda shirt natin

May kulang ba?

- gaby

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Homework : 8/27/09


- Long test tomorrow


-p. 169 # 13


- Take home quiz and the First Emperor ( for those who haven't watched it)


- computerize the data tables
- The class assignment about the scientists
so here's how it goes, we need about 6 people to print the pictures of the scientists

The scientists are :

- Francesco Redi
- Lazzaro Spallangani
- Louis Pastuer
- Oparin ( the guy who made Oparin's Theory)
- Miller and Urey
- Sidney Fox

I'll be the one to look for the descriptions

so we just need people to print

also, if you feel we need to add a scientist tell me so we can print the picture

We'll discuss this further tomorrow, but it would help if you already looked for pics

***Important Announcements:
1st UB tom: Batch Congress
(For my Filipino group)
2nd UB: Practice for the puppet play

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Homework: 08/26/09



Soc. Sci.:
1. Read the handouts (I think?)
2. Film viewing thing tomorrow, so be there :D

1. Yung chord thingy, if anyone remembers that.

1. Advanced homework: keywords! 8-|

1. Prove the thingies that we didn't finish proving.

yehey :D :))

homework 27/08/09

1. Geom

Lecture examples that are turned homeworks to be done since lack time for discussion.

2. English

It's safe to say that the speech would be tomorrow. So, prepare:D

3. Soc Sci

Read the Handout, i guess, all of it na about Chinese Civilization... Another hanodout is now available... so... we must read read read... the latest handout is individual... since, the class funds can;t afford it yet... yet... take note... yet...

4. Bio

Apparently, we haven't got any thing about the handout/ lab activity stuff... So... do we have anything for it na ba??? Ate Roxy/Angelene told us na, "walang bio..." just asking if someone got na... And... Eat apples...

# Important announcements:
1. A second Personality test thing will be held again tomorrow, and again, P.E. break... be there....

2. SocSci Film Showin is tomorrow aat dissmissal to 6 p.m. that's long.... crap... hmm... as Sir said, feel free to bring other non-Sir Martin students/friends.

3. Batch meeting (i guess) will be held on Friday dismissal, after which, our Class Aque... So... Be also there i guess... I don't know how will dormers be there...

Are there any more??? just comment...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Homework: 8/24/09

Ughh. i hate mondays.

1. En Sci

- Bring as many brushes as you can for the painting of the plant box
- Jeks and patrick will bring the paint but if you want to bring then feel free to do so
- I will bring the newspaper, again, if you want to bring feel free to do so. :)

2. Bio

- Long test tomorrow

3. Soc sci

- Read up on chinese civillization

4. Geom

- p. 160 # 1,2
- p. 165 # 8
- p. 169 #4 , 8 , 9 (tama ba?)

I think that's all. Unless there's chem hw.... ???help???

- gaby

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bio Theory of evolution Powerpoint

Here is the link at our multiply site. There is an attachment of the powerpoint presentation of evolution.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Homeworks 24/08/09

Submission of English extemporaneous speech outline would be this Monday.

Longtest will be taken at homeroom period. Be at room 316 on or before 11:50 so we could take the longtest for an hour.

Evolution quiz. Eat apples, I advise you to...

Val Ed
6 page paper to be filled up is due this day. Please complete it. and NO ERASURES!!!

Please comment for more or missed things.

* Additional: Soc Sci
Read the handout on Ancient Chinese Civilization. Pages 123-132. Advance reading, pages 132-147.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Decepticons of our Vacation

Self profile project. Handouts are given regarding this project (FIRST FRUIT OF OUR CLASS FUNDS!!! YAY!!!). deadline is on September 18,2009, 12 noon.

Since the VE essays are returned, Ma'am Mijares said the we should start doing the Outline. Sentence outline, format is given already.

Val Ed
The 6 pages paper to be filled out this week and due this Monday, August 24, 2009.

The Pairs Connected by broken hearts grouping. Explain the statement given, and relate it to present times. Write it on size 1. It's due on Thursday, August 20, 2009.

* please be reminded also, that on Thursday next week, August 27, the second test for the guidance matters would also be held, the same time we held the first. Please do not be absent, and bring at least, erasers. Pencils might also be provided, but they are not high quality pencils, meaning without erasers. So, bring pencils of your own na lng... XD

The Decepticons of our Vacation

Monday, August 17, 2009

Task Force: Anti A(h1n1) Virus

Due to this alarming virus which made our country raise it's pandemic state to level 6, we are then encourage to take necessary precautions. We should be clean in ourselves, bathing, washing hands, and covering mouth when sneezing.

Parent donor/sponsor gave our class a big bottle of Alcohol and Alcogel, and two boxes of Tissue Paper. We are really sorry, because we should've gave it to Sir Da, yet, we kept it since we don't know what to do with it. So...

If you need to use class alcohol and tissue papers for sanitary purposes, just approach Levy and/or Kean. You may have a container where we could transfer some alcohol, since the one given is BIG.

On behalf of the Dahlia class, we thank you, Ms. Beth Uy, for providing us these things for our safety. Thank you very much.

Homewrok: 8/17/09

1. SS

- Long test

2. Geom

-Long test

3. Bio

- the adaptation thingy

Health- Self Profile
VE - Handout thingy due on monday

Saturday, August 15, 2009

From PapaJack

"pa post sa blog niyo... read this book... it can be viewed sa net... para dun sa gusto bumili available yung book sa national bookstore P575... at yung walang internet i will provide a xerox copy of the book... babasahin natin ang librong ito..."

So, as papajack said, we should read this book. Can be viewed in the internet, be bought at National Bookstore for Php 575, and photocopied copies of it will be provided.

Friday, August 14, 2009

For Monday, 08/17/08

Soc sci
Long test was tentatively scheduled on Monday. But according to this statement at the socscidos wiki:
Dahlia - August 18 (Tuesday) *PPT to be finished and reviewed on Monday
We will have the Long Quiz on Tuesday, August 18. Yay!!!
We must study though, i have read and understood that, it's going to be hard... At least, for me...

Com Sci
Questions on notebook to be answered:
  1. What are header files in C++?
  2. What is name space?
  3. What does this statement mean: "#include?"
  4. What will happen if you use "c out" in your program and failed to "write using namespace std?"
Answer the one item homework. What is the question? i didn't copy, sorry...

Keywords to be defined.

So there, i suppose. Comment for more.

En Sci footprint

Sir Montales talked to some people after the bell rang last Friday. He said that we should print the results in the quiz at He advised us to print only the data, such as the components building up the total footprint.

How's the thing in size 4 paper you may ask? I actually don't know if it should also be passed. But it might be, so do it. The things needed in the paper are:
  1. The total number of footprints.
  2. Total number or portion of Earth needed.
  3. # of people in your family and/or house x 1.8 hectares
  4. Average of 5 footprints icluding your own

So, there...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

By the Dahlia Commitee on Treasury

A good time to all, good people of the good Dahlia...

In the past week, we experienced major inconveniences regarding the photocopying of the handouts and required papers for our academic subjects. We then arrived to a point that handouts was not read until the crucial required day for it.

After these problems, the committee decided that we should now make our own class funds. This class fund is for the benefit of all and the availability of the needed papers.

Php 20 is the required amount that each citizen of Dahlia Community must give per week. for those who thinks it is big, we have our reasons:
  • This amount of money is inclusive of the Batch tax of Php 5 that is also collected every week
  • This amount is enough, and the committee would never cheat, if, in case, it's too much.
  • Just imagine Sapphire under the rule of our beloved, Sir Andy. They are required to pay Php 100 a month!!! that's Php 50 a week if there would be the A(h1n1) back there this July!!! WTH!!! That's why we love sir Andy so much. It's so sudden to pay like that, and cheaters would be tempted more, so, Php 15 (exclusive of batch tax) is enough.
The collection of payments will start this Monday, Lunch Break and Homeroom Periods. Look for Levy Tugade and Kean Peralta that are most likely to be at the caf during breaks, and other members of the committee (the committee consists of only two people). Payments will also be accepted every break periods.

We need everybody's cooperation for the development of the Dahlia community.

This is approved by our Class Student Head/President, Gaby Borja (isn't it Gaby?)

Thank you.

in tagalog: classfunds natin, p20 weekly. magbayad tuwing breaks and homeroom simula next week, monday. kasama na dun ung batch tax, saka pang-photocopy... un lng... bigay lng kay kean at levy...

HW for 8/14/2009

For once.... no HWs!! Woohoo... okay maybe no HW but then reminders... xDD

1. Physics Long Test
- This is self-explanatory. If I'm right, the test is about the propagation of waves.

2. Filipino
- Jeks' group will perform chapter 10, so possible recitation? xDD

- The footprint HW, but then I guess most people are done with it. ;)

Signing off...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Okay guys... I got a text from Jia... and we have a problem...

Jia says that her laptop is like busted. So she can't print Bio. 

so what's the plan??

Homework: 08/12/09

Soc. Sci.:
1. Quiz tomorrow!

Yun lang ata.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Homework: 8/11/09

1. Chem

- Long test tomorrow

2. Bio

- The people that we need to research on.

3. English

- Dramatic Monologue

Is that all?


Monday, August 10, 2009

Fil. Group 3 again

Okay so tomorrow, our presentation na. Im anticipating na we're only going to be able to get to do chapters 6-7 since chapter 7 is sooooooooooo loooooooooooooong like that. Pero in case, mag-prepare na rin yung mga characters in chapter 8. Okay so for now, whoever made the puppet is going to voice the character, except for Vance since he's not a girl. Tapos we'll just decide tomorrow who's going to operate the puppets.


So people who need to speak tomorrow:

Possible speakers also:
A girl who can play Juli, so either Dalzy or Kirstene or Thea.
Fitz (omg fix your puppet, if it's broken.)

Tapos Dalzy, if you would be so kind as to make the tree, thank you :D
So that leaves Vance, Kean, Ludho, Patrick, and 2 of the three girls as possible puppet operators. Please make sure that you've read the script so you know the cues and stuff or like if you need to put a knife (or was it a revolver? @-) ) in Simoun's hand. So yun.


And yeah, sorry for being a procrastinate-y and lazy leader. I'm like that eh. :))

Homework: 8/10/09

1. Biology

- Upload the Concept mapping exercise

2. Geometry

- Answer the questions (1 whole pad ba?)

3. Physics

- Answer the handout

4. Comp Sci

- Know the difference between D0-While and While Loops

* For my group*

- We might have a meeting/practice tomorrow

Feel free to comment if i missed anything.

- Gaby

Saturday, August 8, 2009

En. Sci. questions supposedly at the notebook

So... I managed to get help... Yay...

We need to answer the following questions as well this Monday:

1. What makes up soil?

2. What kind of resource is soil?

3. How is soil formed?

4. How do we describe soil texture, consistency and structure?

a. Why do we have to characterize soil?

5. What’s the best soil for vegetative growth?

6. What are the agents of soil erosion?

7. What are the benefits of soil erosion?

*I just don't know what paper will be used to submit it... Please comment regarding this if you know... Thanks...

And... I would like to thank Sampa2012... i got this from them... so... Thanks a lot...

Friday, August 7, 2009

Guidance Center Personality Questionaire

II- Dahlia
August 13 and 27, 2009 (Thursday)- 12:50-1:40 p.m.

Bring your pencil and come on time.

Venue: Seminar Room

So... ang time na to ay P.E. break. no excuses unless absent ka. So please come. and bring your own story...

eto pa... para sa lahat:

"P.S. Ethel's mom passed by the Guidance Center and wanted to wish you luck for the upcoming personality test. XD"
- Ate Jeng :) (strictly not text edited and/or rephrased in the meesage for us)

Thank you po...

Announcement: Personality test thingy

We're supposed to have a Personality test thingy on August 13 and 27 (thursday) 12:50-1:40. Bring your own pencils. I'm not sure where we're supposed to have it though. Levy has the paper with the details.

Follow-up to HW 8/7/09

Okay... this is like an added stuff to Gaby's post about the HWs... he's already put EnSci, Algeb and a little of Physics so I'll just add the other HWs... =D

1. Bio

We have to read the chapters about evolution in the Elephant Biology book. Then the HW is to answer the questions at the chapter review.

2. Geom

We have to figure out why there aren't postulates like ASS and AAS in proving the congruence of Triangles.

3. English

Memorize the dramatic monologue since we're having it first. I think we're starting it next week? correct me if I'm wrong.

4. SS

Remember... there's a possibility of a quiz next meeting. I mean, it's possible for Sir to give back the papers then right after there's a quiz. =D

*From Leona: research about major Indian gods.. ;)

5. Algeb

Here are the questions, since Gaby's lazy to post them. xD

~When... f(x) = x^2 + 5x +6.... and g(x) = x +2... Find the ff.
  1. f+g(x)
  2. f-g(x)
  3. fg(x)
  4. f/g(x)
  5. f "circle" g(x)
  6. g "circle" f(x)

6. EnSci

Like what Gaby said, it's just the questions and the link thingo...

7. Physics

Okay... Gaby doesn't understand what to do with the handout... Well, I only the first page, so I hope it helps.

~You're supposed to color the first page. Of course it is synchronized coloring... that's all I know...

Signing off,
Thea ~*