Thursday, August 20, 2009

Homeworks 24/08/09

Submission of English extemporaneous speech outline would be this Monday.

Longtest will be taken at homeroom period. Be at room 316 on or before 11:50 so we could take the longtest for an hour.

Evolution quiz. Eat apples, I advise you to...

Val Ed
6 page paper to be filled up is due this day. Please complete it. and NO ERASURES!!!

Please comment for more or missed things.

* Additional: Soc Sci
Read the handout on Ancient Chinese Civilization. Pages 123-132. Advance reading, pages 132-147.


  1. Yes. EVERYONE should eat apples before Monday. In fact, it would be funny if the whole class brought apples to Bio on Monday and started eating them on the spot.

  2. "An apple a day keeps the Docto away."
    That's the deal with the apples.

    (Please don't tell Ma'am Docto that it was I who made this joke....)

  3. You were the one that came up with that joke, Jaren? Nice one. *Thumbs up*
