Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Homework: 29/07/09

1. SocSci- the handout
Read pages 99-108

2. English
Long Test tomorrow: "Without Seeing the Dawn" by Stevan Javellana

3. Class Announcements:
a. Dahlia is assigned to clean the third floor of the ASTB for being part at the Pisay Linis(PLS) campaign. So, we must put effort. Even though that floor is not much crowded and not that dirty, we must maintain it's cleanliness. Please comply. The people assigned for each days of cleaning would be as follows:
Monday: 1st Row (front)
Teusday: 2nd row
Wednesday:3rd row
Thursday: 4th row
Fruday: 5th row
(following the sitting arrangement during homeroom period)
All donations for the cleaning would be heartily accepted and shall be taken care of by all for the benefit of all.
b. According to our Batch Officers, our treasurer shall collect Php 5 (five pesos) from each person and give to the batch council. This is to increase batch funds. Give it to Kean on or before time 1610 (4:10pm) every Friday.

Any more announcements? Please share. Thanks


1 comment:

  1. stevAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAn???????????????????????????????????? amfutsa.kala ko stevEEEn:((
