Tuesday, February 16, 2010

02/16/10 Homework

Panic Now:

1) Physics Long Test on the last meeting of the week XXXX
-Which happens to be tomorrow, by the way, since we don't have classes on Friday

2) Bio Tabulations due tomorrow! XXX
-In your notebook. Note that there will be Bio make-up classes tomorrow after PE.

3) Get a copy of the story for Fil and read it XXX
-You should also get ready for the picture presentation thing

4) Com Sci Homework XXX
-Due today at 11:55, supposedly 11:59, but Moodle doesn't seem to have the capability to use ":59" as a time slot

Panic Later:

1) English project due Thursday XXXX
-Which is alarmingly near. It will be very hard to cram since you can't borrow STR projects from the library.

2) Geom Homework XX
-Page 476, #'s 4,9,6,2,3 (In that order! Sir claims he was dylexic when he wrote the numbers down)

3) Algeb Homework XX
-The two equations are x(2x+11) +9 <= 0 and 2x^2 -3x-4 <= 0, by the way

4) Val Ed Video XX
-Due last week of Feb

"This guy's got 'em scared to death. Hope he doesn't see right through me. Now I wish I really knew how to swim. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSS5dEeMX64"

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