Sunday, January 10, 2010

01/10/09 Homework

Nothing explicitly due tomorrow, other than the English quiz about research papers (XX).
UPDATE FROM THE J-REX: There's also a Soc Sci quiz on the assigned reading and a Geom quiz on similarity.

Panic Later:

Triad of Videos: (XXXX)
1) Val Ed by Groups of 10
2) Music by Groups of 8, except Ramon's group, which only has 6 members which is extremely unfair...
3) Bio by Groups of 5 that we haven't sorted out yet due to Ma'am Docto's absence

Sir Paz will try to squeeze in a Chem Long Test this week. get ready.

The Soc Sci Summit approaches. The whole point of Game Theory is to trick multiple parties into thinking that persuing individual glory would be better than achieving a grader good for everyone. As a class, we should be sure that all the countries would be able to compromise an ultimatum that would benefit as many groups as possible (ala the Y Option) and thus result in higher grades for all of us. Veneratio est Vires.

Finally, I guess that we should take care of the pond, since it's our class's project.

*If you are to watch one movie this month, watch Avatar. If you are to watch two, watch Avatar, then watch it again in 3D. if you are one fo those people that likes watching movies and decide to watch 3 movies this month, watch Avatar, Avatar 3D, and Sherlock Holmes, which was epic.*

1 comment:

  1. I believe there's also a Soc Sci quiz on the assigned reading and a Geom quiz on similarity. So get ready for those too.
