Wednesday, January 13, 2010

01/13/09 Homework

1) Soci quiz on Chapters 3-5 (I think) XX

2) English quiz on Research Paper XX
(Unless of course, Ma'am Mijares is in an extremely good mood and decides to postpone the test to next week, but that's highly unlikely)

3) Com Sci Lab Exercise tomorrow XX
-Supposedly, this is by pair

4) The Three Videos XXXX
-Do them soon, before it's too late!

5) Physics YMSAT Project XXX
(Jeorge, did you buy everything yet?)

6) English Reports and "Cry thy Beloved Country" XXX
(Has anyone picked the research paper #44, which is the research paper with longest, most intimidating title so far?)

"The Men Who Stare At Goats"

1 comment:

  1. I believe the Soc Sci quiz is on sections 2-4 of Chapter 35, and our previous lecture as well.
